How far along? 6 weeks
Weight gain/loss: 146 so plus 1. Been fluctuating a couple pounds up and down.
Maternity clothes? No, I live in scrubs at work and t-shirts and (comfy) shorts at home.
Stretch marks? No new ones
Sleep? Still been pretty tired. Last night I went to bed at 8pm! Luckily that was possible because Maddy passed out about 7:30.
Best moment this week? I had an appointment with a nurse and went over everything to expect. At my nurse appt w/ maddy they gave me a bill for the all my doctor appts. They didn't do that this time, so hopefully it really is only going to be a total of $500, like my coworkers said. (diff insurance then before)
Food cravings: Pizza...actually homemade pizza but I settled for Double Daves. I'll make homemade pizza this weekend probably:)
Gender: I have no idea
Belly button in or out? In
Movement? nope
What I miss? Not being tired all the time. And wine:)
What I'm looking forward to: 2 more weeks till we get an ultrasound! and a 3 day weekend this weekend for memorial day!
Milestones: Baby's arms and legs are now beginning to develop and is starting to develop facial features:)