Madilyn is 4 1/2 months now, but here is her 4 month pic:) I love her smile! At her 4 month appt she weighed 16.8 pounds and 25.25 inches long. Big girl!
She was all geared up for another win from the Texans this past weekend but unfortunatly that did not happen:/ But she did look darn cute cheering them on...
We tried cereal by spoon for the first time. We usually just put a tsp of cereal in her morning bottle, which is what we will continue to do. She is sooo not ready for solids yet haha She wasn't feeling the cereal...
We tried on her swim suit just because I was bored and wanted to see how cute she would look in it. She wasn't feeling that either haha
BUT, she does finally enjoy her winkel! WIN!
Me and my baby girl:)
Also, baby Zachary's funeral was this past Sunday. Our september mama's group all lit a candle in his memory.
Also, I will be walking in the March for babies walk in April. I'll be walking for baby Dylan whos momma is apart of my september month too. For some reason it's not letting me make this a clicky.....