Her closet:) This isn't even all her clothes! She has two drawers full of onesies and little matching pants. Plus on the shelf in her closet is a bag of clothes size 12 month and up.
Her organizer in her closet. Hair stuff, socks/leg warmers, hats, and shoes!
Her cubby bookshelf that has her books in it, toys, bibs (for now), more toys lol and stuffed animals. Still need to clean off the top of the shelf.
This picture and homemade princess crown is right above her cubby shelf.
Her swing will eventually go downstairs once she is here and will probably just leave her stroller there, idk yet. Yes there is a tv in her room and cable is hooked up! If you are going to judge me on that then leave my freaking blog because I am tired of people being Judgy McJudgerson! This was the spare bedroom before it was her room and we already had tv and cable connection in there so we kept it. The tv was given to us free from my parents.
Ive already posted her wall quote in a previous post about DIY stuff...
So thats pretty much her room in a nutshell and I love it:) Can't wait to sit in that chair and nurse her:) Now all we need is her lol 9 more weeks.
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