How far along? 11 Weeks!
Weight gain/loss: +9 lbs wow, that is extremely depressing. extremely.
Maternity clothes? Yep, when I'm not wearing scrubs.
Stretch marks? Haven't seen any new ones.
Sleep? Yep! I love to fall asleep around 9 now because I feel so much more refreshed in the morning;)
Best moment this week? Not really sure....I get to hear the heartbeat each night so that is pretty amazing!
Food cravings: I was really craving that new fish sandwich from sonic with cheese and mustartd (no tarter sauce)..And man it was amazing lol My husband thought it sounded gross as hell but I loved it:) Oh, and I don't think I have ever eaten a fish sandwich before in my life. NOt a big fish person.
Gender: Dh really wants a boy to carry on his last name. He used to have 2 younger brothers but they died about 17 years ago so he feels it is up to him to carry on the name.
Belly button in or out? In
Movement? no, but I can't wait!
What I miss? I don't really miss anything...but if I had to pick then once again I would go with wine. What can I say I love my wine lol But I am perfectly fine without it for now;)
What I'm looking forward to: We are going to the rodeo tomorrow to see Gary Allen and then monday night we are going to the rodeo to see Kid Rock!!
Milestones: All babys vital organs are now formed and functioning:)
Baby this week:
Baby's ears are assuming their proper place this week and the fingernail and toenail beds are beginning to form. Your little "pumpkin head" really lives up to his nickname as his head is nearly as big as the rest of his body.
While testes or ovaries are completely formed now. You won't be able to see your baby's gender for a few more weeks yet.
Your baby is really on the move now. In an ultrasound you might be able to see your little acrobat flailing his or her arms and legs and doing somersaults worthy of Cirque du Soleil. In the next nine weeks, your baby will increase 30 times in weight and almost triple in length. Your baby now weighs a third of an ounce, about the same as two small, Starbucks-sized packets of sugar, is about 2 inches long, the length of one of those sugar packets.

You look great, Amanda!