So we found out this morning that Brandon got the job on the oil rig! They called him at 7:30am and said if you wanna work and you want this job then come on. He was on his way to work so when he got there he had to tell his boss he was leaving. He said they understood and took it pretty well. He did an appointment that was already there for the day and then packed up some of his tools and left. He packed a bag and came to tell me goodbye at work and headed out.
We were hoping he would get this job because it means I get to stay the full three months at home after Madilyn is born. Plus now we can afford to get bills paid off quicker. He will be working one week on and one week off. It is going to really suck being away from him for a whole week and I am going to miss him so much. I'm sure it will be lonely at the house by myself. Being home alone just feels different when you know he isn't just out for the day, but in fact isn't coming home that night. I will make sure the doors are locked at all times. It's more frightening when you stay at home alone.
I really hope we made the right decision by taking this job and that everything works out. He has a 9 hour drive to get to the rig which is alot of money in gas right there. We plan to get a cheap little car after he gets back so he can use that as transportation to get him back and forth to help save on gas. Plus right now we only have the truck between the two of us. So my parents are letting my borrow a car till he gets back and we can buy that cheapie. I may even get to drive my mustang I sold to my dad a couple months ago;P
So the point of this post was its good he got the job because it means more money and potentially alot more money if he moves up in the company. And its bad because we will be apart a lot. If you think about it we will be apart for half a year....I don't want to think about it that way lol
I love my husband<3
A blog pretty much about everything:) Married life, family, and now my pregnancy journal:P
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
First L&D visit yesterday :/
So Had our first L&D visit yesterday morning and it scared the hell out of me. I wake up around 6:30am and get to work about 7ish. Usually eat a big bowl of oatmeal for breakfast and have a couple glasses of water and a Diet. Dr. Pepper. After all that it was aroun 8:30 or so and I realized Madilyn hasn't started her morning kick mommy routine yet. I think I felt her kick once and it wasn't very hard. So after trying different things (laying on my side, back, walking around, poking my belly) I called my doctors office. I started crying while on the phone with them, couldn't help it. They said since I had been pretty immobile all morning (sitting at my desk and laying down to get her to move) to try walking around and drinking cold water for 30 minutes and if nothing then to come in.....
Called DH but he didn't answer because he was busy so I figured I would call him again closer to the 30 minutes being up if she still hadn't moved. During that time I think she moved 1 time but I still felt like this was a big decreased movement for her so I called DH again after the 30 was up. Once again broke down and started crying while telling him to come get me so we could go to L&D. It's crazy how scared I was...(It didn't help that I had called the night before for the first time for unusual pains in my stomach and that my friend had lost her baby in utero in her 3rd tri about 5 months ago )
We get to L&D and the nurses there are so nice and just kept reasuring me that it was good I came in. When in doubt call and come in they said...didn't care if it was 3 times in one day lol So I got monitored for awhile and heard her hb which was a big relief. She started moving around while monitoring her (she hates all dopplers too lol she always runs away from them) Everything ended up being good with her but it was crazy scary. The nurse suggested I go home and rest for the remainder of the day so thats what I did. Madilyn actually wasn't very active all day yesterday or today to much. I'm wondering if she is going through a growth spurt or just sleeping getting her rest for a future growth spurt lol
Ended up costing us about $70 for that visit but I say it was worth it for piece of mind. I don't know how anybody has a baby without insurance though! We only pay 10% of all bills so the total before insurance just for that visit was $681! Having a baby is expensive lol
I could tell DH was scared and nervous too because he was speeding and impatient when we were driving to the hospital (I only work a couple minutes away from our hospital). I think he was being brave for me though. Especially since when I called him I automatically started crying and fist thing I said was "Okay don't freak out because I already am but..." lol I guess I didn't want him to worry even though I was.
Hopefully we don't have to have anymore L&D visits until she is born;)
I love my little Madilyn ;)
Called DH but he didn't answer because he was busy so I figured I would call him again closer to the 30 minutes being up if she still hadn't moved. During that time I think she moved 1 time but I still felt like this was a big decreased movement for her so I called DH again after the 30 was up. Once again broke down and started crying while telling him to come get me so we could go to L&D. It's crazy how scared I was...(It didn't help that I had called the night before for the first time for unusual pains in my stomach and that my friend had lost her baby in utero in her 3rd tri about 5 months ago )
We get to L&D and the nurses there are so nice and just kept reasuring me that it was good I came in. When in doubt call and come in they said...didn't care if it was 3 times in one day lol So I got monitored for awhile and heard her hb which was a big relief. She started moving around while monitoring her (she hates all dopplers too lol she always runs away from them) Everything ended up being good with her but it was crazy scary. The nurse suggested I go home and rest for the remainder of the day so thats what I did. Madilyn actually wasn't very active all day yesterday or today to much. I'm wondering if she is going through a growth spurt or just sleeping getting her rest for a future growth spurt lol
Ended up costing us about $70 for that visit but I say it was worth it for piece of mind. I don't know how anybody has a baby without insurance though! We only pay 10% of all bills so the total before insurance just for that visit was $681! Having a baby is expensive lol
I could tell DH was scared and nervous too because he was speeding and impatient when we were driving to the hospital (I only work a couple minutes away from our hospital). I think he was being brave for me though. Especially since when I called him I automatically started crying and fist thing I said was "Okay don't freak out because I already am but..." lol I guess I didn't want him to worry even though I was.
Hopefully we don't have to have anymore L&D visits until she is born;)
I love my little Madilyn ;)
Monday, June 13, 2011
Resale Shop find:)
My mom found this chair at a local resale shop. It is a "Best Chairs" chair. The chair and ottoman brand new is around $800! Mom found this one for $200 (it had just been marked down from $300). It is so freaking comfortable! I wanted something to relax in and this is it! The chair is actually blue so if we have a boy next it will be perfect for that room. My dad made this pink slip cover for it and it looks awesome in her room. :)
Friday, June 10, 2011
24 Weeks! V-day:)
Woohoo:) I have been waiting to make it to 24 weeks for awhile now. Doctors appt this morning went good. I am up 26lbs:( Althought the docs office says I am up 30lbs but I will stick with my at home scale when i weigh in with less clothes on lol My next appt in 4 weeks I will have my 1 hour GTT. Hopefully I will pass but I have heard alot of people fail the 1 hour and have to do the 3...So we will see.
Maddy's room is finished minus stuff we will get for my shower that is in 6 weeks. We bought a pink rug to put in front of her crib and I put some I got a little storage container to keep all her socks, hair pieces, and little onesies in:) I finished her name and put it on the wall. Some of the glitter was coming off a couple letters but it doesn't look that noticable. I also think the M is a little off but its up there with some very strong double sided tape and itsn't coming off lol

24 Weeks:

My belly has definetely gotten bigger! I can no longer lean over and get a good look at my toes without it hurting my belly:( Got a pedicure yesterday and had to ask my friend if my toes looked okay because I couldn't inspect them lol I feel her move all the time now which I absolutely love!! It is the coolest feeling in the world. I have heard some women say it is weird and gross and they don't like feeling it and I just think they are weird lol I look forward to when she moves:) Oh and DH got to feel her for the very first time last night!! We were at dinner with some friends and she gave me a good kick so I decided to take the chance (everytime we tried to get him to feel her before she would stip kicking when he put his hand on my belly) and I put his hand on my belly and she gave him a big kick! It was awesome lol He was happy and I almost cried right there at the table because I was glad he finally got to feel her. And she gave me one more little kick that my SIL was able to feel. Guess that is all for now;)
Maddy's room is finished minus stuff we will get for my shower that is in 6 weeks. We bought a pink rug to put in front of her crib and I put some I got a little storage container to keep all her socks, hair pieces, and little onesies in:) I finished her name and put it on the wall. Some of the glitter was coming off a couple letters but it doesn't look that noticable. I also think the M is a little off but its up there with some very strong double sided tape and itsn't coming off lol

24 Weeks:

My belly has definetely gotten bigger! I can no longer lean over and get a good look at my toes without it hurting my belly:( Got a pedicure yesterday and had to ask my friend if my toes looked okay because I couldn't inspect them lol I feel her move all the time now which I absolutely love!! It is the coolest feeling in the world. I have heard some women say it is weird and gross and they don't like feeling it and I just think they are weird lol I look forward to when she moves:) Oh and DH got to feel her for the very first time last night!! We were at dinner with some friends and she gave me a good kick so I decided to take the chance (everytime we tried to get him to feel her before she would stip kicking when he put his hand on my belly) and I put his hand on my belly and she gave him a big kick! It was awesome lol He was happy and I almost cried right there at the table because I was glad he finally got to feel her. And she gave me one more little kick that my SIL was able to feel. Guess that is all for now;)
Friday, June 3, 2011
DIY projects
I have been doing a lot of DIY stuff for Maddy. I have always loved doing crafty stuff so its right up my alley. I will post pictures of her nursery when I am completely finished with it (most likely wont be until after my shower at 30 weeks). But I will post some of my DIY stuff from her nursery in here:) First I put up the tree decal in the corner of her room. It came in like 100+ pieces and was a real pain in the neck to put up, but I think it was so worth it and makes the room awesome...

The next thing I wanted to do was put a wall quote up that would go with her disney pictures kinda...I found a quote that I loved but didn't want to spend the money on something that I thought I could make myslef. (I already spent way to much freaking money ordering that tree decal because I knew I wouldn't be able to make that). So I ordered some pink adhesive vinyl and used my cricut machine to cut out all the letters and stars. Then I placed it on the wall:) It is way way way bigger then I originally planned but I still think it looks good.

I aldo made the M that is on her closet door there in the last picture and the princess crown that is in this pic...

So since I have so much wall decal stuff I wanted to do block letters for her name over the crib. Originally I wanted to do a decal, but I think now it would be way to much. So I looked on the net for block letters that I like but it was just to much to order. So yesterday I went to hobby lobby and found all the letters 40% off! So all the letters, paint, and glitter for them only cost me about $20. So that will be my next project anc I can't wait to see how it turns out:)
I am also big on all things girly. I love tutus and headbands etc. But Once again not the prices on them lol So I made her some headbands last night! They turned out great. Bought all the feathers, flowers, beads, and actual band part seperately and pieced them together. I am sure I will make more since she needs one in every color:P Plus it is way cheaper to make then buy one of these...

I've started making some onesies for her too. Only got two done so far...The 88 is a Dale Earnhardt Jr. onesie. My DH is a big nascar person and Earnhardt Jr is his fav racer. I am sure Maddy will watch plenty of nascar and football with her daddy:) But all nascar stuff is crazy expensive so I used my cricut to cut out this felt and added it to her onesie...May try to girl it up with a cute green headband or something. I also plan to make a ford/chevy house divided type of onesie so we will see how that turns out...

So that is all I have done so far:) And for your viewing 23 Week bump:)

The next thing I wanted to do was put a wall quote up that would go with her disney pictures kinda...I found a quote that I loved but didn't want to spend the money on something that I thought I could make myslef. (I already spent way to much freaking money ordering that tree decal because I knew I wouldn't be able to make that). So I ordered some pink adhesive vinyl and used my cricut machine to cut out all the letters and stars. Then I placed it on the wall:) It is way way way bigger then I originally planned but I still think it looks good.

I aldo made the M that is on her closet door there in the last picture and the princess crown that is in this pic...
So since I have so much wall decal stuff I wanted to do block letters for her name over the crib. Originally I wanted to do a decal, but I think now it would be way to much. So I looked on the net for block letters that I like but it was just to much to order. So yesterday I went to hobby lobby and found all the letters 40% off! So all the letters, paint, and glitter for them only cost me about $20. So that will be my next project anc I can't wait to see how it turns out:)
I am also big on all things girly. I love tutus and headbands etc. But Once again not the prices on them lol So I made her some headbands last night! They turned out great. Bought all the feathers, flowers, beads, and actual band part seperately and pieced them together. I am sure I will make more since she needs one in every color:P Plus it is way cheaper to make then buy one of these...

I've started making some onesies for her too. Only got two done so far...The 88 is a Dale Earnhardt Jr. onesie. My DH is a big nascar person and Earnhardt Jr is his fav racer. I am sure Maddy will watch plenty of nascar and football with her daddy:) But all nascar stuff is crazy expensive so I used my cricut to cut out this felt and added it to her onesie...May try to girl it up with a cute green headband or something. I also plan to make a ford/chevy house divided type of onesie so we will see how that turns out...
So that is all I have done so far:) And for your viewing 23 Week bump:)

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