Christmas eve we spent the evening with his mom in Houston. It was alright....We were expecting it to be a Christmas eve dinner w/ her side of the family. Nope, it was just them and her husbands side of the family. We don't really care for her husband, although we tolerate him. At times I honestly thinks he hates us because we are apart of her old life. Not really sure what his freaking deal is. At our wedding a couple months ago he only came in the reception to hand Brandon some money as our gift. The rest of the reception he stood outside by his car...the whole time. But her husbands mother is even worse! She speaks english and spanish (I ONLY speak english)but she insisted on speaking to me in spanish. I'm like what?!? Sorry I don't know what the hell you are saying lady!
her: "It must really be awful only knowing one langauge huh?"
me: ....uh no not really, I seem to get by just fine.
her: Well you are just a dumb idiot aren't you? ( lol okay she didn't actually say that but I am sure she was thinking it)
Later she tried feeding me this plant thing on a spoon and gave me such a bitchy look when I didn't want to try it. Sorry lady, I am not good at eating new foods. Hell, it took Brandon about 9 years just to get me to eat ribs! (I'm not a big meat eater) Anyways, we didn't get out of there till about 10pm. It was exhausting becasuse we still had an hour drive to get to my parents house.
My sister in law and I:) Love her so much!
Brandon, his mom, and I
Every Christmas eve we stay the night at my parents house so we can open up presents in the morning together. I like to see my sister open all her gifts, especially since this is probably the last year she will believe in Santa.
My siser and I :)
So our morning started at 6:30 because Santa had came:) I gave Brandon his present which was tickets to the Texans game next week:) And he gave me a gorgeous watch! I told him I wanted a big blingy pink watch and he didn't disappoint! My parents got me a pink peacoat, a pair of ugg boots and harley davidson winter boots. Plus a TON of I Love Lucy stuff. Anybody who knows me, knows I am a HUGE Lucille Ball fan and collect anything that has to do with her. I also got the other bottle of I love Lucy wine that I have been wanting. (Won't drink it, just for looks)
We spent the morning at my parents. I watched A christmas story after breakfast because I had been working so much this past month I hadn't had a chance to watch it or any Christmas movies:( Then we Went to his dad's house, then my grammy and grampys, then to a friend of the family, and then finally to his memaws house! Very loooooong day. Hopefully when we have kids we can figure out a way to not do a million peoples houses.
We got home Christmas night to a nice surprise....not. Our heat had gone out, and our house was 56 degrees inside. Couldn't get it to work so loaded up the blankets on the bed,put a sweater on Auto, started a fire and turned on the space heater. Woke up to it being 52 in the house. brrrrrrrrr. Tried to fix it all day yesterday and now we think we know what it is. He is gonna try to fix it again today after work. This morning it was 56 in the house when I had to get up. It is so hard to get out of bed (and out from 6 covers) when it is that cold walking around your house! I hope we get it fixed.
Here is my Auto all warm:)
Sounds like you all had a good, but busy Christmas! I love the picture of Auto on his doggy bed. Too cute!