How far along? 8 Weeks!
Weight gain/loss: Gain...Also went up a whold bra size! These babies seem huge to me lol
Maternity clothes? No, but I mostly live in scrubs during the week so reality usually hits me friday evening:(
Stretch marks? No new ones
Sleep? Besides waking up about 4 times in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom I have been sleeping pretty good.
Best moment this week? Had our taxes done and found out how much we were getting back:)
Food cravings: Juice with lots and lots of ice:)
Gender: I don't know, on the fence now lol I think when I know my exact due date I will have a better guess
Belly button in or out? In
Movement? no
What I miss? Wine
What I'm looking forward to: Well of course my doctor appointment this coming up Monday!! Get to see the baby:)
Milestones: Reaching 2 months is pretty big!
Baby this week:This week, your little tadpole is starting to look a little bit more human. Other exciting developments include:
Your baby's eyelids, ears, upper lip and the tip of his soon-to-be adorable button nose are forming.
Junior will also sprout webbed fingers and toes this week—which you'll be well aware of in a few months, as baby starts early gymnastics classes inside you.
Baby's tiny heart has separated into four distinct chambers and is really ticking now—at a rate of 150 beats per minute. That's more than twice your resting heart rate.
Your baby is now a little more than ½ inch long.

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