The Fisher Price Starlight Papasan Cradle swing I wanted:) She got it brand new in the box for only $75! In the stores it is $160. I am so excited aboout getting this in the mail soon! Can't wait to see it:)

She also just won the Beaba Baby Cook with a freezer baby food container and recipes for $60 off ebay. So I can make baby's food:)New in store is $175 w/ freezer container.

Over the weekend we got a Baby Trend Deluxe nursery Center. It is a pack in play, changer, and co-sleeper in one. This is the exact one that we got. It is a little girly, but not to bad:) Besides I don't think baby will know the difference. We got it for $75 and brand new in store is $170. They only used the co-sleeper for about 2 months and never used the pack in play or changer parts.

My mom also got us a portable bassinet that she paid $20 for. Don't have a picture of it though. She would have bought more but I have tried to tell her that we don't need everything that she is picking out! I appreciate it very much but I don't want her wasting her money on items that we won't actually need.So we got all this and only spent $230. I think that is pretty darn good. Especially since the cradly swing is new! So I am thinking with my mom's internet shopping we have saved roughly about $350!
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